Legacy Planning

Plan For The Future

46%3 of Americans have a will that describes how they want their money and estate handled after death. Protect your loved ones from unintended taxes, stress, and negative consequences for your loved ones.

3 https://news.gallup.com/poll/351500/how-many-americans-have-will.aspx

We take great pride in helping our clients address legacy planning. Your written plan works in tandem with your retirement plan while outlining the beneficiaries and steps for a properly structured, detailed transition of your estate. The success of our clients and their families is of absolute importance. Your assets should go to the people and the causes you intend, without getting stuck in probate.

Summit Wealth Strategies LLC., does not provide legal or tax advice.

Legacy Planning

To talk more with our team about your legacy planning, fill out the form below.

  • By submitting your personal information, you consent to be contacted by a financial professional regarding your financial strategy for retirement.
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